Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #3 Create a blog, post and add an Avatar

Well, I've been successful posting my first blog and it's exciting to see what I've posted on the web for all the world to see. It's also intimidating because I don't want to embarass myself by showing my lack of knowledge into a world that I'm not sure of right now. I hope to gain more confidence as I go along in my assignment, learning new things along the way. I'm also feeling some frustration with creating my Avatar. I've wasted time trying to get to the website where I choose my Avatar, but keep getting error messages from Yahoo. I will move on to Thing #4 and come back later to add my Avatar.

1 comment:

mmw said...

We're a supportive learning community - no need to be embarrassed about lack of knowledge. These things are new to us all and we're going to learn about them together!